

Main Purpose of this blog!

This blog is for you! Our family and friends who need a little extra motivation when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. Most of you have seen the popular TV series The Biggest Loser and have noted the life changing events that have occured. We are going to do our own version of the biggest loser only we are calling it The Healthy Habits Challenge. If you are interested we are asking that you send 20 dollars to my cute mom Linda Brindley Chipman asap. The challenge will begin on Monday, January 10th, 2011 and goes for 8 weeks which means it will end Sunday, March 6th. The more who participate, the more money their will be in the pot. At 20 dollars each, it is going to add up fast, but all money aside we really want to use this blog as a place where we can post our progress and encourage each other with ideas of what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please refer to the "log in" information (on side bar) so you can post your ideas. Remember to read the rules carefully (on the side bar) as well as the Healthy Habits Contract (first post). Good Luck Everyone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

After One Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Linda - After one week, we have lost a combined total of 204.2 lbs. Wow!!! This is awesome. I have yet to hear from two weights that have not been included in this total so therefore I did not include their weights in the first total. I emailed them several times and if I don't hear from them by morning, I will assume that they dropped out of the Challenge. Tomorrow I will have a firm update on total number of participants. As of now, I am planning on 62. There are still a couple who have not paid but I have been in contact with them and feel like they will come through. Keep up the good work!!!!!!! Thank you to all of you who have paid and who either emailed or texted your weights on time. This really helps. Only seven more weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep Going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks Mom, we appreciate that you are keeping track if it, I know it's probably a lot of work! 204lbs. is awesome, way to go everyone!!!

  2. Even though my contribution to the 204 lbs lost last week was tiny, it is exciting to see that our combined effort is so huge after only one week! Wow won't it be exciting to see the combined result after 8 weeks. Thanks Linda for tracking sooooooo many of us. You are a sweetheart just like your girls!
