

Main Purpose of this blog!

This blog is for you! Our family and friends who need a little extra motivation when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. Most of you have seen the popular TV series The Biggest Loser and have noted the life changing events that have occured. We are going to do our own version of the biggest loser only we are calling it The Healthy Habits Challenge. If you are interested we are asking that you send 20 dollars to my cute mom Linda Brindley Chipman asap. The challenge will begin on Monday, January 10th, 2011 and goes for 8 weeks which means it will end Sunday, March 6th. The more who participate, the more money their will be in the pot. At 20 dollars each, it is going to add up fast, but all money aside we really want to use this blog as a place where we can post our progress and encourage each other with ideas of what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please refer to the "log in" information (on side bar) so you can post your ideas. Remember to read the rules carefully (on the side bar) as well as the Healthy Habits Contract (first post). Good Luck Everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


K I am not big into blogging....so I hope I do this right! I have been having great success with some of the things I am doing, so I just wanted to share a few ideas.

Instead of eating 3 large meals, I try to eat 5-6 small meals. Each meal consists of a protein and a carbohydrate. Then for at least two of the meals I usually add a veggie. I try to keep the meals around 300 calories or less. The idea of these small meals comes from the book "Body for Life." They have a bunch of helpful info on the diet online, just google "Body for Life."

Typical Day:

Meal 1- Protein shake with one banana and 1/4 cup blueberries
Meal 2- Sliced turkey meat, 1 slice whole wheat bread, bit of light mayo, carrots
Meal 3- Sweet Potato, chicken breast
Meal 4 - Ligth yogurt, light string cheese
Meal 5 - Chicken, brown rice, veggies
Meal 6 - Healthy pop popcorn, or Golden Spoon Fat Free Frozen Yogurt (This is my end of the day treat if I make it all day eating clean) :o)

I try to exercise first thing in the morning, which is sometimes impossible with kids!!! I do a High Intensity Interval Training (also from Body for Life) for 20-25 minutes. I give it all I got. I was just doing this everyday, but now I am strength training 2-3 days and then interval training 2-3 days. Sometimes I try to do a longer run on Saturdays. But know that I am NOT perfect! There are those days when I just can't seem to fit it in. I don't lose hope I just try to set the goal for the next day.

I take it one day at a time and celebrate my "wins" for that day. If I mess up, the next day will come and I get a chance to start new.

For me I like to reward myself at the end of the day or the end of the week if I have stuck to my plan. If I need a treat at the end of the day, I look for something healthier but still yummy. My favorite is GOLDEN SPOON fat free frozen yogurt. Did you know there is only 100 calories in 4 ounces! That means you could eat a mini all to yourself and not feel guilty! If there is no Golden Spoon around, my other favorites are: Healthy pop kettle corn popcorn (you can eat the whole bag to yourself and it is only 245 calories), sugar free pudding (about 70 calories), a bowl of Kashi cereal with almond milk (200 calories). If I am going to reward myself at the end of the day, I always use it as one of my meals.

Another reward I have used is a "Free Day" which has been already talked about in a post. Or a "free meal." I can eat whatever I want and feel VERY full. Then the next day I get back to work and eat clean again for six days in a row.

I hope these ideas help! Especially the yummy GOLDEN SPOON idea. (Can you tell it is my favorite!?!) I think everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work! We CAN do this!

Angela Ames


  1. Thank you for your post!!! I love how healthy you are being!!! Thanks for all your ideas!

  2. Ok Angela I have never seen you at golden spoon, and they know me there. I am from California, where frozen yogurt was perfected if not invented. So we might need to call each other when we go so we can pick up some for each other! Love it! Keep up the good work and thanks for the ideas!

  3. Thanks for being so specific in what you are eating and the amount of calories they equal out to. I have felt like this last month has been a lot of trial and error trying to find what works for me and what doesn't. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey DeAnn don't leave me out! You two girls make sure and call me when you hit the Golden Spoon! Sounds so yummy!

    Thanks Angela for this post! You are awsome.


  5. Angela, you are awesome!! I'm so excited for your progress. I too appreciated how specific you were on your food list because it will help me keep mine in check a bit better.
    Congratulations, you rock!
