

Main Purpose of this blog!

This blog is for you! Our family and friends who need a little extra motivation when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. Most of you have seen the popular TV series The Biggest Loser and have noted the life changing events that have occured. We are going to do our own version of the biggest loser only we are calling it The Healthy Habits Challenge. If you are interested we are asking that you send 20 dollars to my cute mom Linda Brindley Chipman asap. The challenge will begin on Monday, January 10th, 2011 and goes for 8 weeks which means it will end Sunday, March 6th. The more who participate, the more money their will be in the pot. At 20 dollars each, it is going to add up fast, but all money aside we really want to use this blog as a place where we can post our progress and encourage each other with ideas of what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please refer to the "log in" information (on side bar) so you can post your ideas. Remember to read the rules carefully (on the side bar) as well as the Healthy Habits Contract (first post). Good Luck Everyone!

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's All in the Attitude!

Hello Everyone,

I don't know about you, but I sure could use some motivation. It seems like the past two weeks have been difficult for me. I have slacked off a little in my food choices and I must admit there has been a day or two that I didn't exercise just because I didn't want too. But now, we are finding ourselves in the last two weeks of this competition and we can't afford to slack off. This is the time that we need to reevaluate our goals and put our best self forward so that we can finish this strong. I have a little note hanging on my wall above my treadmill. It says, "It's all in the Attitude!" This has been my source of motivation the past 6 weeks. It is all in our attitude. We can choose to be happy and do our best or we can choose to pout and just give up. I encourage all of you to be happy and do your best. Only two more weeks! Let's show ourselves what we are made of!



  1. Thanks so much Robyne! I really needed to hear this. I've been feeling a little sorry for myself today...I really feel like I've been working so dang hard at this and yet I'm just not seeing the weight come off like I thought I would. Right now it would be so easy for me to quit. I realize that I have based my last eight weeks solely on loosing the weight. I forget that this is so much more than just the weight. No I havn't lost much, but I've tried my best to make some good healthy lifestyle changes. I really want to finish strong regardless of my weight... and I know that even after this eight weeks is over I've got to continue forward for the next eight weeks and the next eight weeks after that! So I'm makin' me an "Its all in the attitude!" sign to hang where I can see it each morning. I so appreciate your encouragement! Thanks so much!

  2. Anytime Brenda! I too haven't lost a lot of weight. I am sure that I am at the bottom of the percentages. But I must say, that I am gaining myself back and it feels good. I too will continue on the next eight weeks and so on. (I wonder if I could persuade Linda into letting me email her every week after the challenge is over). "It's all in the Attitude" Much love to you!
