

Main Purpose of this blog!

This blog is for you! Our family and friends who need a little extra motivation when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. Most of you have seen the popular TV series The Biggest Loser and have noted the life changing events that have occured. We are going to do our own version of the biggest loser only we are calling it The Healthy Habits Challenge. If you are interested we are asking that you send 20 dollars to my cute mom Linda Brindley Chipman asap. The challenge will begin on Monday, January 10th, 2011 and goes for 8 weeks which means it will end Sunday, March 6th. The more who participate, the more money their will be in the pot. At 20 dollars each, it is going to add up fast, but all money aside we really want to use this blog as a place where we can post our progress and encourage each other with ideas of what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please refer to the "log in" information (on side bar) so you can post your ideas. Remember to read the rules carefully (on the side bar) as well as the Healthy Habits Contract (first post). Good Luck Everyone!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Caloriecount.about.com --- WOW!

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to share a free online tool with you all which I discovered today. It is called caloriecount.about.com and it is free! You can enter your daily foods and your activity and it will calculate daily caloric intake and nutrition information. It has a whole mess of other neat things too which I haven't had time to look into but I love that it is free and that all I have to do is search for the foods I ate in the database and it does the rest. It was also a really user friendly site - easy. I have been journaling my foods, exercise, weight, inches etc... in a notebook and probably still will but I think this tool will be easy for me to sit down at the end of the day and find out just how many calories I'm consuming and burning. I even thought if it turns out to be a pain later on to do it every day I could import from my notebook weekly and find out my averages. I am excited about this as I lost two pounds right off the bat and then have been stuck at the same weight for three weeks now. This just made it easier for me to really evaluate how much I'm putting in my mouth each day. Bless you all in your healthful efforts!


  1. I also have found it really helpful to write down everything I eat as well as how many calories and grams of protein I consume. I count up the calories for whatever I am planning on eating before I take a bite. This way, I can decide if it is really worth that amount of calories or if I want to reduce my portion.

  2. I have an application on my smart phone that also is a calorie counter and I love it. I can enter anything I eat into the food diary, even the name brand foods, and it will calculate it for me. This has been a big help. I never realized how many calories I consumed a day until I started keeping track.
